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Exotic Fruit Plants

Exotic fruit plants are not native to India but popular in other countries. Some of them grow very well in India, just as they do in their native places. For convenience, an exotic variety of commonly found fruit plants gets listed under "Indian fruit plants." 

Exotic fruit plants here are mostly tropical or sub-tropical fruit plants, and growing them can be a rewarding experience.

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  • Fruit Plant: Bignay
  • Fruit Plant: Cupuassu
  • Fruit Plant: Matoa

Bignay is a sturdy tropical fruit tree native to Southeast Asia. It is a low maintenance plant that produce small, red or purple berries that are rich in antioxidants.

  • Scientific name: Antidesma bunius
  • Propagation type: Layer
  • Plant size: Large
  • Maturity period: 3-5 years
  • Fruiting season: May to July
  • Growing in containers: Possible
  • Ease of growing: Easy
  • Supplier: Saphal Agro
  • Place of shipment: Thrissur
  • Shipment period: Within 3 days

See more about Bignay fruit description and growing tips.

Cupuacu is native to the Amazon rain forests. It has a chocolate-pineapple flavour and is often consumed as smoothies, shakes and ice-creams. It is high in nutritional value. The pulp of the fruit is used in cosmetics.

  • Scientific name: Theobroma grandiflorum
  • Propagation method: Seedling
  • Plant size: Medium
  • Supplier: Saphal Agro

Matoa is a high-yielding tropical fruit tree that has a taste similar to that of rambutan. Matoa has a good, thick skin and a nice, fleshy inner core. The fleshy part is easily separated from the small pulp and is very tasty.

The Matova tree flowers in the month of October and starts giving good, ripe fruits in 45 days. Unripe Matoa is green in colour, which turns purple upon ripening.

Matoa fruit is not usually affected by pests. The male and female flowers bloom together on the Matoa tree, which grows 20 metres or more in height.

  • Seedlings are used as the planting material. Trees from seedlings bear fruit in 3 to 4 years.
  • Scientific name: Pometia pinnata 
  • Propagation method: Seedling
  • Plant size: Medium
  • Supplier: Saphal Agro