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Indian Fruit Plants

Indian fruit plants here do not necessarily mean they are native to India. Some of the fruits commonly found in India are not native to the country. But they are commonly seen in at least some parts of the country.

India has a varied but mostly tropical climate. Hence, a large variety of fruit plants grow in India.

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  • Fruit Plant: Miracle Fruit
  • Fruit Plant: Orange
  • Fruit Plant: Quince
  • Fruit Plant: Sugar Apple

The orange is thought to be a hybrid of pomelo and tangerine. Orange is a very popular fruit, rich in vitamin C, which helps boost immunity.

An orange, or sweet lemon, is a citrus plant and its fruit.

  • Scientific name: Citrus reticulata blanco
  • Propagation method: Layering
  • Plant size: Large
  • Supplier: Saphal Agro

Miracle fruit is an African plant that grows as shrubs of 5–6 feet in height. The name Miracle Fruit comes from the fact that after eating this fruit for up to two hours, whatever food we eat will taste sweet.

  • Scientific name: Synsepalum dulcificum
  • Propagation method: Layer
  • Plant size: Medium
  • Supplier:  Saphal Agro