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Thai Banana Chikoo Sapote Grafted Plants

Banana Sapote or Thai Sapote has an elongated shape, unlike the usual sapote, which is round and thus its name. When fully ripe, the inside colour varies from brown to orange-red. Banana Sapote is a very sweet and tasty fruit, similar to the chikku fruit. Banana Sapota may be planted on the ground and in large containers of 20 inches or more.

  • Variety: Thai Sapote, Banana Sapote, Banana Chikoo
  • Propagation type : Graft
  • Plant size : Large
  • Scientific name : Manilkara zapota
  • Supplier: Saphal Agro


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Sapodilla is part of the Sapotaceae family, which also includes Mamey Sapote, Canistel, Milk Fruit, Abiu, and Green Sapote. Sapodilla is native to Yucatan. Southern Mexico, Northern Belize, and Northeastern Guatemala It grows in forests and has been cultivated since ancient times. European traders took seeds to many parts of the tropics, including the Philippines, and sapodilla is now grown in tropical areas around the world, where it is known by many names.

India is the world's largest commercial producer of the Sapote.

The sapodilla is a slow-growing, tough, and long-lived tree. A sapodilla tree can eventually grow to 100 feet tall with a trunk diameter of about 5 feet. But trees in cultivation are much smaller. Sapodilla is hardy and wind-tolerant, which enables it to withstand hurricanes. It's what makes the tree so tough that branches that split from wind and the weight of fruit will survive and still support normal amounts of fruit and foliage for many years, sometimes for the life of the tree.

The tree is usually pruned and kept at height of maximun 5 metres for easy harvest.

The tree is very attractive. It has small, glossy, green leaves and new leaves. have a red tinge, and typically, sapodilla trees fruit heavily every year; a mature tree can produce more than 3,000 fruits. Some abilities can adapt to and thrive in many different environments around the tropics and subtropics. Though the sapote trees are very drought-tolerant, they grow best in areas with regular rainfall.

  • Origin: Central America (Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala)
  • Common names: Sapote, Mamey Sapote, Mamey
  • Botanical family: Sapotaceae
  • Edibility rating: 10/10
  • Health Benefits: 8/10
  • Maturity period: Seedlings: 6-8 years, Vegetative propagation: 3-4 years
  • Fruiting season: Spring to summer (In India: February to May)
  • Growing in containers: Possible
  • Sunlight requirement: Full sun to light shade
  • Growth habit type: Tree
  • Average Height: 40-60 feet (12-18 meters)
  • Average width (canopy span): 30-40 feet (9-12 meters)
  • Growth rate: Medium
  • Ease of growing: Moderate

Fruit description and taste

The fruit has a rough, brown skin. When scratched on the skin, immature fruit will produce latex. Mature fruit is sweet; the degree of sweetness depends on the variety. The fruit size varies from 2 to 4 inches. Though mostly round in shape, some varieties have oblong-shaped fruits.

Nutritional Value

Nutritional values for sapodilla vary quite a bit by variety. In general, the fruit is high in sugar and has a fair amount of vitamin C. Additionally, it has some protein and fat. Riboflavin niacin pantothenic acid. B6, Folate, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, and Zinc

Common names:

Chikoo, Chiku  - India, Pakistan, Baramasi - Bengal (India), Chico - Philppines, Nispero - Central America, Zapotillo - Mexico, Sapoti - Brazil, Zapote - Honduras


Data sheet

Growth Type
Sunlight Needs
Min 6 hours direct
Propagation Method

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Passiflora edulis, the passion fruit, is a vigorously growing evergreen climbing shrub with stems reaching 5–10 metres or more. It can grow in both tropical and subtropical regions.

The fruits have a thick skin, because of which they have a good shelf life. The pulp can easily be preserved for several weeks and can be made into squash and juice.

Get best quality Passion fruit plants for your garden. Passion fruit Red, Yellow and Purple variety plants available. 

  • Scientific name: Passiflora edulis
  • Propagation method: Seedling
  • Plant size: Medium 
  • Supplier: Saphal Agro

Jamun (or njaval) is an easy-to-grow fruit plant that produces delicious, deep violet-colored berries. They are grown without any significant pest infestation, care, or fertilization.

  • Variety: Seedless
  • Scientific name: Syzygium cumini
  • Propagation method: Graft
  • Plant size: Large
  • Maturity period: 3-4 years
  • Fruiting season: June to August
  • Growing in containers: Possible
  • Ease of growing: Moderate
  • Supplier: Saphal Agro
  • Place of shipment: Thrissur, Kerala
  • Shipment period: Within 3 days.

Olosapo or Zapote Amarillo is a interesting fruit that gives a rich harvest of fruits from a small space. It is suitable for growing in containers as well.

  • Scientific name: Couepia polyandra
  • Propagation method: Seedling
  • Plant size: Medium
  • Supplier: Saphal Agro

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An orange, or sweet lemon, is a citrus plant and its fruit.

  • Scientific name: Citrus reticulata blanco
  • Propagation method: Layering
  • Plant size: Large
  • Supplier: Saphal Agro

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  • Scientific name: Syzygium zeylanicum
  • Propagation method: Seedling
  • Plant size: Medium
  • Maturity period: 4-6 years
  • Fruiting season: March to May
  • Growing in containers: Not common
  • Ease of growing: Moderate
  • Supplier: Saphal Agro
  • Place of shipment: Thrissur
  • Shipment period: Within 3 days

See more about Cat fruit plants.

Sweet Mullatha, or Sweet Soursop, is a hybrid variety of Sousop or Mullatha that is sweeter than ordinary Soursop but has the same health benefits and medicinal properties. It belongs to the Annonaceae family, and the fruit pulp has a custard-like texture.

  • Alternate names: Guanabana / Graviola / Hanuman Phal
  • Scientific name: Annona muricata
  • Propagation method: Seedling
  • Plant size: Medium
  • Supplier: Saphal Agro

All seasons Jack bears fruit throughout the year. It has yellow carpels and is rich in nutrients.

Almost all jackfruit varieties are seasonal. Though jackfruit is a much loved fruit, its availability is limited to a few months.

All seasons Jack is thus good news for all jackfruit lovers. Known for its multiple fruiting seasons in a year, All Seasons Jack has firm yellow carpels.

Jackfruit is rich in nutrients and also has medicinal value. You get all these benefits from All Seasons Jack as well.

Botanical name: Artocarpus heterophyllus

Rambutan N18, originally a Malaysian variety, was named N18 because, on average, 18 fruits make up 1 kg. Its fruits are big and round in shape, with a bright red colour. This is the most commonly cultivated variety of Rambutan. 

  • Scientific name: Nephelium lappaceum
  • Propagation method: Bud
  • Plant size: Medium
  • Supplier: Saphal Agro

Variegated guava has all the benefits of an ordinary guava in addition to its aesthetic appeal. The leaves have cream-coloured flakes over an olive-coloured appearance. The fruit looks striped with the same pair of colours.

Variegated guava is an ornamental plant as well as a fruit plant. The fruit is also variegated. The fruit is also tasty and has a good aroma.

  • Variety name: Varigated Guava
  • Scientific name: Psidium guajava
  • Propagation type: Layer
  • Plant size: medium
  • Supplier: Saphal Agro

Bush Orange is a sturdy plant that fruits in plenty. They are excellent for making refreshing lemonade. Bush orange is more of lemon than orange.

  • Scientific name: Citrus trifoliata
  • Propagation type: Layer
  • Plant size: Medium
  • Maturity period: 6 months - 1 year
  • Fruiting season: All seasons
  • Growing in containers: Well suited
  • Ease of growing: Moderate
  • Supplier: Saphal Agro
  • Place of shipment: Thrissur
  • Shipment period: Within 3 days

Cherry used for bakery purpose is processed Karonda cherry and hence the plant is also called Bakery Cherry plant. It is also used for making pickles, preserving in brine or making wine.

  • Scientific name: Carissa carandas
  • Propagation method: Seedling
  • Plant size: Medium
  • Maturity period: 3-4 years
  • Fruiting season: July to September
  • Growing in containers: Possible
  • Ease of growing: Easy
  • Supplier: Saphal Agro
  • Place of shipment: Thrissur, Kerala
  • Shipment period: Within 3 days

The pomegranate is a very popular fruit which is high in taste and nutritional value. Pomegranate improves body immunity and also cures digestive ailments.

  • Alternate names: Anar, Mathalam
  • Scientific name: Punica granatum
  • Propagation method: Layer
  • Plant size: Large
  • Supplier: Saphal Agro

The anjili or wild jack looks similar to the common jackfruit, but is smaller and has a sour taste. It has a high nutritional value and taste and grows with minimal care.

  • Scientific name: Artocarpus hirsutus
  • Propagation method: Seedling
  • Plant size: Medium
  • Maturity period: Seedlings: 5-7 years; Vegetative propagation: Not enough data
  • Fruiting season: April to June
  • Growing in containers: Not suitable
  • Ease of growing: Moderate
  • Supplier: Saphal Agro
  • Place of shipment: Thrissur, Kerala
  • Shipment period: Within 3 days

Blackberries are soft, juicy fruit that grows in clusters. Blackberry is a shrub that can be pruned and maintained to height of 5 feet or less. When ripe. Blackberries are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. They are best suited for growing in cooler places.

  • Scientific name: Rubus fruticosus
  • Propagation type: Layer
  • Plant size: Medium
  • Maturity period: 2 years
  • Fruiting season: June to August
  • Growing in containers: Well Suited
  • Ease of growing: Easy
  • Supplier: Saphal Agro
  • Place of shipment: Thrissur
  • Shipment period: Within 3 days